Der Blaue Pfeil
- Artikelnr.: DVDBPF
- Verfügbarkeit: Lagernd
SYNOPSIS (ENG) Every year at Christmastime, the good witch Befana flies on her broom delivering toys to all the well-behaved children of Italy. But this year, Befana’s assistant, the greedy Dr. Scarafoni, intends to force rich parents to pay for toys and to give nothing to poor children ! To fulfill his sinister plans, he makes Befana very sick... Dr. Scarafoni then begins to rule Befana’s shop with an iron hand. He drives out of the shop orphan boy Francesco, who was staring bedazzled at The Blue Arrow, a wonderful wooden train... Outraged, the toys decide to escape : they climb onto The Blue Arrow train which starts rolling, rolling away from Dr. Scarafoni ! Their aim is to go and give themselves to the children they were meant for. Spicciola, a special toy dog, makes a wish that his nose will lead him to Francesco. Francesco is accused of stealing the missing toys and arrested. Meanwhile, the toys on the Blue Arrow train are chased across the city by Dr. Scarafoni, meeting many dangers on their way Finally, Befana finds out about Scarafoni’s dreadful plans and has her toymakers create more toys hastily. She gets Francesco released by the police, then rushes to deliver her gifts. As morning nears, Befana delivers toys to all the good children, rich or poor... and last but not least, turns Spicciola into a real dog for his new best friend Francesco !
SYNOPSIS (FRA) Chaque année, à Noël, le Père Noël descend sur Terre pour apporter des cadeaux aux enfants. Mais les enfants les plus heureux sont ceux d'Italie, car la bonne vielle Befana, en même temps comtesse et sorcière, file à travers le ciel sur son balai, dans le nuit de l'Épiphanie, pour récompenser une fois de plus les enfants sages avec des jouets. Mais un certain 5 janvier, il y a bien des années, rien ne fut plus comme avant: Befana était malade, les jouets durent s'enfuir devant le villain Docteur Scarafoni, et une longue nuit d'aventure commença pour le petit Francesco, qui ne désirait rien de plus ardemment que le merveilleux train miniature "La Flèche Bleue".
SYNOPSIS (GER) Jedes Jahr an Weihnachten bringt das Christkind den Kindern auf unsererErde Geschenke. Die glücklichsten Kinder aber sind jene in Italien, denndie gute alte Befana, Gräfin und Hexe zugleich, saust in der Nacht zumDreikönigstag auf ihrem Besen durch den Himmel, um die braven Kindergleich noch einmal mit Spielsachen zu belohnen. An einem 5. Januar vorvielen Jahren aber war nichts wie sonst: Befana war krank und dieSpielsachen mussten vor dem Geldgierigen Doktor Scarafoni fliehen. Eine abenteuerliche lange Nacht begann für den kleinen Francesco, der sich nichts sehnlicher wünschte als die wundervolle Modelleisenbahn "Der Blaue Pfeil".
SYNOPSIS (ITA) Ogni anno a Natale Gesù Bambino distribuisce regali a tutti bambini. Ma I bambini più fortunati sono quelli italiani, perchè hanno anche la buona, vecchia Befana, contessa e strega insieme, la quale alla vigilia dell’Epifania vola in cielo sulla sua scopa per premiare i bambini buoni, portando loro altri giocattoli. Ma un 5 di gennaio di molto anni fa accadde qualcosa di imprevisto: la Befana giaceva a letto ammalata, I giocattoli dovevano essere consegnati, e fu così che iniziò une lunga notte d’avventura per il piccolo Francesco, il cui più ardente desiderio era quello di ricevere in dono il meraviglioso trenino chiamato “La Freccia Azzurra”.
based on the book by Gianni RODARI
Animated movie
Dauer: 90 minutes
Language: ITA, ENG, GER, FRA
written by: Enzo D’ALO & Umberto MARINO
characters and background design created by: Paolo CARDONI
music and lyrics by: Paolo CONTE
animation by: Silvio PAUTASSO
directed by: Enzo D’ALO
Versandinformation: Bei Auslandsversand berechnen wir 5,00 Euro